Friday, June 11, 2010

How long did it take you to make that?

I get this question just about every time and every where my work is exhibited. And it's terribly difficult to answer. Because, well, because it is. It's much easier to describe the process by which a piece is completed. So here are some photographs documenting my newest work. Please understand that some of the fabrics have been dyed or discharged months ago, even years ago. They come jumping out of drawers and boxes at times like this.

Day 1
Collecting a pile of fabric: literally, a pile of fabric on the floor. Fabric and a piece of netting from a antique hat. So do all my old friends recognize that red and yellow striped fabric? That's all that's left of "YARDS" purchased at Quilt's Plus about 20 years ago.

Day 4
Moving to the design wall to begin composing. Pins and static electricity hold everything together. Very few fabrics are cut to the desired shape here. Most are folded and scrunched into some sort of position.

Day 7
The scariest part of all: cutting into the fabric.

Day 10
Finally, a needle in thread gets in on the action. Pieces are hand sewn to the foundation fabric.

This is by no means close to completion. Stay tuned.


bj parady said...

hand sewn? Are you crazy? Ha.

Deb Lacativa said...

It's so nice to see someone else working the same way I do - rolling in the same lane. I'm just now stating the hand work on a piece that hung on the design wall all flapping, over two months.